Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust

With over 2,500 staff, Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust know it’s imperative that employees get their flu jabs. NHS staff come in to contact with the most vulnerable members of society where passing on influenza can be deadly.

When researching reasons why staff choose not to get their jabs, the main two reasons were that the jabs can actually make you ill for a day or two, and taking time out of a busy day was an inconvenience. LCH were keen to build on a successful campaign from last year that used a more lighthearted approach than the usual dry messaging stressing the importance of vaccination.

I came up with the idea of ‘#JabFace’. A transmedia campaign where staff are encouraged to take a selfie after their flu jab (or even during if they’re brave enough) and then share the image via social media along with the hashtag. The launch campaign would take place at LCH headquarters where the top management would have their jabs in a communal area at lunchtime with a photographer present. This would generate the pictures for the first months posters. Staff could vote and win prizes for the #JabFace of the month.


Liverpool Community Health NHS

